
Procedures for Issuance of residence and work permit class "A" and "B". All foreigners intending to reside in the United Republic of Tanzania for investment, business or work or any other acceptable purpose are issued with residence permits.

1. Types of Residence Permits
There are three types of Residence Permits:

  • Class A: Issued to employed foreigners
  • Class B: Issued to foreigners employed by companies or institutions
  • Class C: Issued to other foreigners such as missionaries, students, volunteers, researchers or retired persons.

The authority to issue Residence Permits is vested to the Director of Immigration Services. Applicants who are not satisfied with the Director’s decision may appeal to the Minister of Home Affairs while they are outside the Country. Applications for Residence Permit Class B and C should be submitted while applicants are outside the country.

2. Requirements for obtaining Residence Permit Class A

  • Residence Permit Class A may be issued to foreigners intending to invest in prospective areas such as: Industry, Mining, Forest, Social services and business.

Documents required for the first grant application :
2.1.1 Tanzania Mainland procedures

  • TIF 1 forms in duplicate duly filled
  • A covering letter from the applicant
  • Six photographs
  • Curriculum vitae
  • Education certificates (if appropriate)
  • Business license
  • Certificate of registration for Tax payers Identification Number (TIN)
  • Certificate of registration for Value Added Tax (VAT)
  • Copy of registration
  • Memorandum and articles of association for company by liability
  • Extract from the registrar-for business names
  • Evidence of business premises
  • Sectoral approval from any relevant Ministry (if needed)
  • Share certificate (if needed) or share transfer and board resolution (for investors who have bought some shares or company.
  • Power of attorney for a person given power as a Director
  • Copy of passport pages authentificating nationality and validity of passport.
  • Business licence tax clearance certificate
  • Evidence of the capital that has been invested in the company in terms of cash and assets. i.e.
  • Bank statement/financial statement

2.1.2 Documents required during application for renewal

  • As listed in No.1 to 8 above
  • C-9 or forms of annual returns of company having a share capital
  • Certificate of incorporation/registration
  • A copy of issued permit
  • Original permit

NB: Those who do not qualify under the T.I.C. should provide a Bank proof of or assets valued to USD $300,000 to be considered for the Class A permit by the Director of Immigration Services.

2.2 Applicants who would like the names of their dependant wife and children to be endorsed in their permits must produce a proof of relationship preferably marriage certificate and birth certificates for their children.

2.3 There is a fee of US $1600 for a Class A permit, which is generally valid for two years. Permits can be replacement for an additional two years for US $1600.

2.4 US $20 has to be paid for all types of permits as a fee for Re-entry Pass in respect of each permit holder and his/her dependant(s) endorsed in each permit.

Requirements for obtaining Residence Permit Class ‘B’

Residence permit Class B is issued to foreign expatriates with rare profession to obtain in the country to work for the companies in the country.

Documents required for the first grant application

  • TIF 1 forms duly filled
  • Covering letter
  • Certificate of incorporation
  • Business license
  • Tax Clearance Certificate
  • Tax Payer Identification Number Certificate (TIN)
  • Photostat copy of the applicant’s passport
  • Employment contract, signed by the employer and the employee. It should also include a clause on repatriation of an employee to his/her place of domicile or engagement in case of termination of contract for lawful cause.
  • Curriculum vitae (CV) of the applicant
  • Five passport size photographs
  • Organization’s chart
  • Memorandum and articles of Association
  • Translations (by authorised institutions) of documents/certificate in case they are written in languages other than English or Kiswahili.
  • Registration certificate from professional institution/Boards for posts of Accountants, Engineers,
  • Surveyors, Doctors, Nurses, pilots, teachers, and other posts of the like.
  • In case the applicant is currently employed in Tanzania and gets employed to another company, a letter of no objection, original permit from previous employer and current immigration status of the applicant is needed.

Fees for Residence Permit Class ‘B’-1st application:

  • Residence Permit – US $600
  • Re-entry pass - US $20
  • Replacement US $600
  • Dependents (especially wife and children under 18 years) should pay Re-entry pass US $20 each, if they have to be included in the permit.
  • If dependants are children under 18 years and intend to attend schools or colleges in Tanzania, they should apply for Class ‘C’ Permit special for students.

N.B: It is not allowed for the expatriate to be in the country when Residence Permit Class B is being applied for hi/her, until the same is granted. However, if an expatriate changes employer and he/she is still in the country, a special pass will be issued pursuant to section 12 of the Immigration Regulations 1997. The Special Pass costs.

Documents required during application for renewal

  • As listed in 1 to 12 above
  • A copy of a granted Residence Permit.
  • Zanzibar procedures

Applicants in Zanzibar are required to produce some additional attachments as follows:

  • A covering letter from Zanzibar Investment Promotion Agency (ZIPA) or export Processing Zones (EPZ) Authority.
  • Four passport size photographs
  • Police Clearance.

For more information Contact:
The Director of Immigration Services
P. O. Box 512 Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.
Tel.: +255 211 8640
Fax. +255 22 211 2174 / 211 2181

Foreign Investors are required to apply for a Class A Permit while expatriate staff applies for a class B Permit.

Class C Permits are for other categories of residents such as students, researchers, volunteers and missionaries.
Applications for Class A and Class C permits should be forwarded directly to the Director of Immigration Services while applications for Class B permits should be forwarded to the Director of Immigration Services through the Labour Commissioner. The Labour Department is only involved in the issuance of Class B permits. Application forms for Class A, B and C Permit. (Forms require Acrobat Read   to open)

Envoys, Consuls and Their Families

  • Applications have to be processed through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Co-operation.

Expatriates in Government-Funded Projects Working in government institutions
Applications should pass through their respective ministries in which they are intending to work.  
The applications should be forwarded to the Ministry of Manpower for approval to enable the issuance of an Exemption Certificate by the Director of Immigration Services.  Basic attachments to the application include the following:

  • Five photographs
  • Covering letter from the applying Ministry or Organization
  • Copies of passport pages


This is to inform our clients and the general public that with effect from 01/07/2011 as published though the Government Notice (G.N.) No.185, 186 and 189 of July 01, 2011, the fee rates for various services offered by the Immigration Department have changed as to the following effect:

1. Residence Permits

1. Residence Permit Class “A” For large Capital Investors in Companies, Industries, Fishing, Mineral and Transportation. US. $.2000 First issue and renewal
2. Residence Permit Class "A" For Peasants US.$.50 First issue and renewal
3. Residence Permit Class “B”For employees in industries, Private Companies, Public Cooperation, Fishing, Mines, Transportation and Music bands. US.$.1,500 First issue and renewal
4. Residence Permit Class “C”For Missionaries, Researchers and Students US.$.500 First issue and renewal

2. Passes

1. Dependant Pass US.$.500 First issue and renewal
2. Special Pass US.$.600
3. Visitors Pass (CTA) US.$.200
4. Re-entry Pass US.$.50

3. Visas (Please refer to rates set for Applicants at the Tanzania Embassy / High Commision)

4. Citizenship

1. Naturalization* US.$5,000

*A fee of US $1,500 is payable upon submission of the application for naturalization, while US. $3,500 is paid after the approval of the application for the grant of Citizenship by the Minister responsible for citizenship matters. 

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Exemption Certificate is issued to:

  • Diplomats; envoys accredited to the United Republic of Tanzania, Consuls, and foreigners whose services have been contracted by the Government
  • Wife and dependant children of the Diplomats;
  • Foreign Expatriates involved in the Government projects;
  • Students from the EAC Member States;

NOTE: No fee is paid for the Exemption Certificate.


  • Covering letter from a given institution;
  • Application form dully filled;
  • Letter from President’s Office Public Service Management (Not applicable for E.A students);
  • Copy of Work Permit from the Office of Labour Commissioner (Exemption);
  • Passport copy;
  • 5 passport copy;
  • Curriculum Vitae;
  • Academic Certificates;
  • In case of renewal, previous exemption certificate should be attached.


  • Covering letter from registered University/college/institute;
  • Application form dully filled;
  • Passport copy;
  • Admission letter from University /College/Institute;
  • 5 passport size;
  • Academic certificates;
  • Previous Exemption Certificate- in case of renewal.


  • Passport copy of Dependant;
  • Copy of marriage certificate for dependant wife;
  • Copy of Birth Certificate for children.

Where applicants are to be accompanied with dependants the following documents must be attached with the application the application form:

  • Identification pages of the dependent(s) passport(s)
  • Marriage Certificate
  • Birth Certificate of the child or children
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Foreign companies groups, individuals who seek to undertake assignments as journalists, photographers, television and film producers, researchers and book writers are required to apply for permit to undertake such assignments. The application form for media permit in Tanzania Mainland and Zanzibar (journalistic, filming or photography) work must be endorsed by the Embassy and sent back to the applicant.

The applicant with the help of the host institution or person should forward the endorsed application form and fee one month before the commencing date of the assignment to the;

National Film Censorship Board
Department of Culture Development
Ministry of Information, Youth, Culture and Sports
P.O Box 8031, DAR ES SALAAM.

Tel.: +255 222121920 / 222123931 / 222117819
Fax: +255 222121920 / 222123931 / 222117819
E-mails: / /
(for journalists, TV and film producers, photographers, book writers)

and for Zanzibar to;
Information Department
P.O Box 2754, Zanzibar

Tel: 2231073/2231011
Fax: 2231011

For more information on filming permit, press accreditation, broadcasting and fees please visit

NOTE: The above media permit applications is separate from entry visa which should be made to the nearest Consulate / Embassy. Resident and Work Permit application should be made to the immigration department in Tanzania before entry to Tanzania


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Tanzania Information Services (MAELEZO)
P.O. Box 9142, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.
Tel.: +255-22-211-0585/ 212.2771/ 211 2860,
Fax: +255-22-211-3814/ 211-6474

Please prepare the following items and submit them to the Embassy for authorization.

  • Application Form
  • Cover letter
  • Synopsis or Script
  • Equipment list
  • List of crew members(if any)
  • Make checks payable to Tanzania Information Services

The applicant (s) should fill in an application for research clearance, attaching a CV (Curriculum Vitae Form ), a synopsis or script when forwarding both the applications. The application must be made two months before the commencing date of the research assignment.

Requirements for this permit are:

  • A copy of pages of the passport with the detailed information of the passport holder
  • Five passport size pictures of the applicant.
  • Introduction letter from the institution or university inviting the applicant for research
  • C.V and certificate of university or institution attended by the applicant
  • A completed application form to be [link]downloaded or provided by immigration office
  • Residence permit fee of USD $120 to be paid at Immigration office.
  • A completed Research Clearance form to be downloaded or provided by the Tanzania Commission for Science and Technology (COSTECH )
  • Application fee of USD $50 to be paid at COSTECH
  • If your application is successful you will be required to pay research fee USD $300 per person at COSTECH.

While researchers and academic book writers should send the application and fee directly to

Director General,
Tanzania Commission for Science and Technology (COSTECH)
P.O. Box 4302, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
Tel.: 255-22-700745/6/9, 75311/2
Fax: 255-22-775313/4,

The above research permit applications is separate from entry visa which should be made to the nearest Consulate / Embassy. Resident and Work Permit application should be made to the immigration department in Tanzania before entry to Tanzania


Residency Permit Information

  • Tanzania Conservation Resource Centre (CRC) – non-profit crew supporting foreign students and researchers (TCRC Website)
  • Residence Permit form (PDF download)
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Permits for importation is requested from;

Permanent Secretary
Ministry of Agriculture and Food Security,
P.O. Box 9192, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.
Tel: +255 22 2862480/1, Fax:+255 22 2862077


Director of Veterinary Services
Ministry of Water and Livestock Development
Temeke Veterinary Office
P. O Box 9152, Dar es Salaam.
Tel: +255 22 2862592; Fax +255 22 2862538
E-mail: or,
Quantity Control Measures  

  • A special import permit issued by the Director of Agriculture and Food Security in Tanzania, is required for the entry of fresh fruit, plants, plant parts, and seeds.
  • An import permit issued by the National Food Commission is required for the entry of meat and edible meat offal, edible vegetable, roots and tubes, and edible fruits and nuts.
  • A permit from the Ministry of Water and Livestock Development, Veterinary Services is required for the importation of live horses, dogs, cats, swine, sheep and goats.
  • A permit issued by the Ministry of Agriculture and Food Security is required for imports of live trees and other plants, bulbs, roots and the like, cut flowers and ornamental foliage; plants and parts (i.e. seeds and fruits fresh or dried, crushed, powdered); vegetable plaiting materials; raw vegetable materials.


  • Prohibition is set on imports of food containing cyclamates or any cyclamate salts for use in food products. 

Technical Measures 

  • Imports of spirits other than gin, geneva, hollands, schnapps, or liqueurs for human consumption, must give satisfactory proof that the spirits to be imported have been matured by storage in wood for a period of not less than three years.  In the same context, medicines and foodstuffs must have a minimum remaining shelf life of six months at the time of importation.  However Brandy under certain conditions, is exempt from this regulation.
  • A sanitary certificate from a qualified veterinary surgeon in the country of export, must accompany every imported animal. 
  • The Ministry of Agriculture and Food Security in Tanzania is responsible for the certification of all plants and plant products (propagative matter, seed, seedlings).  Imported plants are subject to a sanitary certificate signed by an appropriate government official in the country of origin of the goods.
  • Specific labelling requirements are set on imported canned condensed milk for human consumption, vegetable and butter ghee, paints and varnishes.
  • Under the Animal Ordinance Cap. 156, the Ministry of Water and Livestock Development’s Zoo-Sanitary Inspector is responsible for inspection procedures relating to health and sanitary regulations.  Imported animals are subject to quarantine regulations, and to examination by a veterinarian at the port of entry.
  • The Ministry of Agriculture and Food Security is responsible for the inspection of imported plants.  The importation of fresh fruit, plants, plant parts, and seeds are subject to quarantine regulations and may enter only at designated ports, where they will be subject to examination.

Special Customs Formalities 

  • Imported animals may enter only at designated ports.
  • Imports of the following plants should be made through designated port of entry: coffee except roasted beans, cotton, tobacco, cacao, coconuts, groundnuts, lucerne and clover, rubber, maize, wheat, cloves, peach, barberry, buckthorn, and potatoes.

Source: (This information has to be verified from Ministry of Agriculture and Food Security and Ministry of Water and Livestock Development in Tanzania) 

Procedure for Bringing Pets to Tanzania

  • It is possible to import dogs and cats, but health and vaccination certificates are required.  Dogs and cats should be vaccinated for rabies at least 1 month and not more than 3 years prior to their entry into Tanzania.
  • An import permit should be obtained by sending a letter of request to the Director of Veterinary Services in Tanzania, Ministry of Water and Livestock Development (see address above). In this letter the applicant should state, Type/Breed of pet, age, port of entry in Tanzania and attach vaccination certificates.

The following vaccinations are recommended:  

  • DHLP: Distemper, Hepatitis, Leptospirosis and Parvo.
  • Puppies should be vaccinated when they are five to seven weeks old with repeat vaccinations two weeks and six weeks later.  The rabies vaccination should be administered with the third vaccination. 

Vaccination for worms  

  • Vaccination for worms should be done every three months or the pets may be given worm tablets every 45 days.


  • If applicant has hosts in Tanzania, it is helpful if they make a follow up of the application and collect the permit on behalf
  • Imported animals are subject to examination by a veterinarian at the port of entry and subject to quarantine if need be.  
  • If you want to take your pet back with you obtain an export permit.
  • The above permit applications is separate from entry visa which should be made to the nearest Consulate / Embassy. Resident and Work Permit application should be made to the immigration department in Tanzania before entry to Tanzania
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For those who require Police Clearance Certificates regarding “Criminal Records”, you are kindly advised to note that this Embassy does not issue Police Clearance Certificates. You are therefore advised to proceed as follows:

The Director
Forensic Bureau - Criminal Investigation Department Headquarters
9 Ghana Ohio Road
P.O. Box 9094
Tel.: +255 22 2110006
Fax: +255 22 2118223

  1. Get your local police to fingerprint you and send your fingerprints to the following address:-
  2. Attach a letter requesting a “Certificate of Good Conduct” from the applicant or institution requesting the certificate. The letter should provide details of the place you last resided while in Tanzania showing name of district, name of town, street name (if available) and house number.
  3. The letter and attachments must be sent by DHL, having paid all shipment and return charges or Send by any convenient means, indicating the email address at which the applicant will be notified of the successful issuing of the certificate and communicate on means by which it will be returned to him/her at his/her cost.
  4. Attach a copy of your passport, a photocopy of the page containing personal particulars.
  5. Attach two recent passport size pictures
  6. Attach proof of 25 USD payment (plus overseas charges & Bank clearance charges). This a fee charged by NBC Tanzania, therefore you will be responsible for the overseas & other bank charges.

Payment must be sent to: 
NBC Bank  - A/C No: 011105003888

Please Note: Don’t forget to send your recent contact details. If you are required to have the police certificate authenticated you should send it with prepaid postage or bring it personally to the High Commission / Embassy. The Embassy will in turn seek a formal verification from concerned authorities in Tanzania. It may take 2 to 3 working days or even a week, depending on the response from the authorities in Tanzania. You would also be charged a fee of $40. (See also “Authentication Section”).

If you are intending to get married in Tanzania, a certificate of no impediment from your home country is required

Documents Required

  • you were never married before
  • you are divorced and attach the relevant divorce certificate or
  • you were widowed and produce/attach the relevant document.

This certificate proves that no legal impediment to the intended marriage is known to the responsible authority in your country. Other useful documents to have are Birth certificate, or personal information from registrar of population in your country. If you intend to be married in church a letter from your Pastor/Priest will be helpful.
If you have less than 21 days required to put "a notice of intention to marry", you need to make an application for “Special Marriages Licence” from the Registrar of Marriages An application form for “Special Marriages Licence” will be issued and dully filled and a copy of the certificate of no impediment attached to it. The form must be signed and legalised by a lawyer or an advocate. The form must then go back the Registrar of Marriages where it will be checked, a fee will be paid and the "Special Marriage License" will be issued.

With this license the couple must report to the District Commissioner’s office, Church or Mosque (depending on the place where the marriage will take place and the person who will solemnise the marriage) to set the date of the marriage. Two witnesses selected by the couple (resident or non-resident) will have to accompany the couple on the marriage date. After the ceremony, a Tanzanian Marriage Certificate (in duplicate) will be issued.

If an International Certificate of Marriage is required on your return to your country, the Tanzanian marriage certificate must then be brought back to the Registrar of Marriages (Arusha Office) for registration by filling in form No. RGM 111 (Application for registration for a foreign marriage). A fee of approximately TZS 22,000 is paid to obtain a copy of the entry in the Register of Foreign Marriages. An additional TZS 7,000 is required for the International Marriage Certificate to be issued before leaving Tanzania. This International Marriage Certificate must be certified by the Tanzanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs - Legal Department before being presented to your Embassy for legalisation.

The legalised document can then be recorded with your Municipality/Commune/Civil Record Office. Please contact your Embassy in Tanzania for any further information on this.

Marriage in Zanzibar
Information on marriage in Zanzibar can be obtained from:
Town Council - Vuga, Zanzibar Town
Tel: +255 24 230246/7

Town Council
Vuga, Zanzibar Town
Tel: +255 24 230182

Requirements are

  • Birth Certificate in English
  • Passport
  • Two witnesses (can be locally provided if necessary) and
  • The marriage vows

Marriage Certificates of Zanzibar must be certified by the Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs ad East African Cooperation in Dar es Salaam and other procedures given above.

When a citizen of The United Republic of Tanzania desires to contract a marriage with a citizen of another country, a certificate of no impediment is needed if the law of that country requires him/her to produce one. This certificate is proof that no legal impediment to the intended marriage is known to the responsible authority in Tanzania (Registrar - General of Marriages).

The Embassy does not issue such certificates but is mandated to endorse and forward forms for application of certificates for no impediment (RGM. 12 ) directly to;

The Registration Insolvency and Trusteeship Agency (RITA).
Kipalapala Street, Upanga
P.O. Box 9183, Dar es Salaam.
Telephone: +255 2153069 (General line),
Fax: +255 2153075,

Please visit: LINK for more information and for downloading the (RGM. 12 )

Application form or Registrar of Marriages Zanzibar,

Office of the Registrar General
Vitambulisho Street
Mazizini, Zanzibar
P. O. Box 4220.
Mobile: +255-777-978733

When the certificate is issued, the applicant is supposed to bring it to the Embassy for endorsement. (Check with our High Commision / Embassy / Consulate)

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